Easter Recap


Happy Easter Sunday

As a Catholic (meaning universal faith), today we hatch a new life in Christ! 🐣

Lent season calls us to give more of ourselves to God by either removing something that keeps us from God or giving more of our time to God!

Well, between being a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, and many more titles, life got hectic! During my fasting and my calling to strengthen my relationship with God, I felt at peace knowing that God was working on my heart through it all. I was constantly reminded of his ultimate sacrifice.

The last 40 days made me reflect on the death of Jesus Christ. It encouraged me to change my habits and draw closer to God. It was as if God was the mother hen, patiently incubating eggs (you + me) to one day hatch into chicks! 🐥 AND that day is today! So…

Happy Easter Sunday! We hope everyone has a beautiful Easter Sunday and is able to spend time with their family and friends!

"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said” (Matthew 28:6)

Easter/Spring Custom Signage

In honor of Easter, we recently collaborated with vendors throughout the Valley to create the cutest Spring themed party ever! The theme of the party revolved around beautiful spring colors, blooming flowers, Peter Rabbit, and delicious egg-shaped cookies! We enjoyed working with everyone and absolutely loved the end result!

Our custom signage included:

“Bloom into Spring” Welcome Sign

“Hopping into Spring” Cotton Candy Cart Sign

“Some Bunny Loves You” Backdrop Sign

Bunny Cutouts

Name Place cards

Bunny Table Top Signs

Vendor Team

Coordinating + Design: @fullbloomeventandpartyco

Venue + Bar: @warehouse215

Adult Chairs + Tableware: @ar.eventdesigns

Floral: @petalpeaceflowerco

Custom vinyl: @detailsinthedesert

Custom signage: @decoinkdesigns

Cookies: @cookiebrokers

BTS: @hechodelarosa

Marquee Letters: @legendslightaz

Photographer: @chloeldake

Ball Pit +  Bounce House @softplayrentalamairany

Backdrops: @jns_drops 

Balloons, Bubble House, Kids Table + Chairs, Cotton Candy Cart: @fullbloomeventandpartyco