How to Hang Laser Cut Signs on Foliage Walls

Greenery and hedge walls are one of 2021’s biggest wedding trends, and I love it! Whether it’s a wall of greenery or flowers, having a gorgeous backdrop is perfect for your guests to take photos against for Instagram, and your custom sign can be reused in your home or for future parties.

One question I get asked a lot though is how I recommend you hang these custom laser-cut signs on a greenery or hedge wall. Find out below!

Here’s what you’ll need:

To hang laser cut signs on a hedge wall, I use zip ties and clear fishing line for the most seamless effect. The color of the zip ties doesn’t matter much, since we’ll only be using them for our initial sign placement.

Step 1 - Check sign positioning

Once you’ve gathered all your materials, it’s time to choose where your sign is going to go! Try different positioning to see what you like best, and look at it both close up and far away.

Step 2 - Zip tie into the backdrop

Next, add a good number of zip ties to your hedge wall without the sign there to use as anchors for the sign. We won’t be keeping the zip ties, they’re just there as supports while we secure the signs with fishing wire. Add some on both ends of where your sign will go, plus a couple more in the middle depending on how big your sign is. You want to include enough that your sign won’t fall over as you’re trying to tie it to the hedge wall. I find it’s easier to add the zip ties first so that I can properly grab the other end of the tie from behind the hedge wall without the sign getting in the way

Step 3 - Zip tie your sign

Add your sign back into the mix by using your zip ties to tie the sign to the hedge wall. You might need some help at this point making sure the sign stays right where you want it, so get a friend if you’re having trouble!

Step 4 - Tie with clear fishing line

Now that your sign is in place, it’s time to replace the zip ties with something a little more invisible. This is where the clear fishing line comes in! Double-up your fishing line to make it more sturdy, then look it around your sign and the hedge and tie off. Do this step across the length of your sign, being sure to secure each knot tight. Sometimes I use a drawstring threader to help loop the fishing wire through the hedge to make it easier.

Tip: don’t forget to add some ties to the bottom! This will help your sign stay straight and not shake if the hedge wall gets moved or bumped into.

Step 5 - Remove the zip ties

Once you’re confident your sign is secure, go ahead and use a pair of scissors to snip off all of the zip ties. If at any point you feel the sign start to slip, stop and add more fishing line connections to keep the sign still. Then continue removing zip ties.

Purchase your custom sign

Haven’t purchased a laser cut sign for your next event, but got inspired? Check out our gift shop to see what’s possible, or email us directly for more custom orders!

SignageDeco Ink Designs